



Clothes that you will be willing to keep,
and not something that passes through your life.
Fixed and passed on from time to time, generation to generation.
The works are carefully created
from the choice of material to each single stitch,
portraying the artisanal characteristics of the designer.
Each piece is honest in its craft and to the women who wear them.

All products by AIHIRONO are given a tracking number on its tags.
Based on each number, re-sizing and modifications can be done at the atelier for our customers to cherish our products for a long time, over generations. (Resizing, modifications etc will be done under an additional cost)

Some products are mede from delicate parts or limited, vintage and unique textiles. Therefore damages caused through the customers negligence can not be repaired.


廣野 愛 / デザイナー
文化服装学院卒。様々な衣装デザインを手がけたのち、2018年 自身のブランド「AIHIRONO」を立ち上げる。
Ai Hirono / designer
BA, Bunka Fashion College. After years of experience in stage costume design, Hirono launched her private brand AIHIRONO in 2018.